Meaningful Design of Our Stained Glass

The stained-glass windows were donated to Redeemer by members of the congregation.  They were designed and crafted by Mark Anschutz, Resident Artist at Center for Liturgical Art at Concordia University, Seward Nebraska.  The north window, behind the altar, incorporates antique glass formerly in a church at Mitchell, Kansas.


The Holy Trinity

The symbolism of the north window highlights two distinctive aspects of the Christian faith, the Holy Trinity and the Christian Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. The three persons of the Trinity are represented by both the brickwork and the two upper panels.  The leaf in the upper east panel represents creation, and thus God the Father, Maker of heaven and earth; the brick cross represents God the Son and his death on the cross; and the dove in the upper west panel represents God the Holy Spirit, who appeared at Jesus’ baptism in the form of a dove.


The Christian Sacraments

The two Christian Sacraments are represented by the lower panels.  The shell in the lower west panel is an ancient Christian symbol for Holy Baptism, because of its natural association with water.  Many churches, including ours, uses an actual or silver shell to pour water in administering this Sacrament.  The three drops of water under the shell represent the three Persons of the Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in whose name Christian Baptism is performed.  The cup and wafer over it, in the lower east panel, represent the bread and wine which are the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion.

Beneath each Symbol for the Sacraments is a Bible quotation, which unfortunately is hidden by the required safety railing.  Beneath the symbol for Holy Baptism is the phrase “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,”

Beneath each Symbol for the Sacraments is a Bible quotation, which unfortunately is hidden by the required safety railing.  Beneath the symbol for Holy Baptism is the phrase “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,”

and beneath the symbol for Holy Communion are the words “This Do in Remembrance of Me”, as spoken by Christ at the Last Supper when he instituted this Sacrament.

and beneath the symbol for Holy Communion are the words “This Do in Remembrance of Me”, as spoken by Christ at the Last Supper when he instituted this Sacrament.

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  At the bottom of the lower panels are two cryptic messages included by the artist.  Can you make them out? “Do not be afraid” - is the message on the left. Mary was told this by the angel who came to announce that she would give birth to the Savior, Jesus. “Faith, Hope and Love” - is the message on the right. It is from 1 Corinthians 13:13 … “and the greatest of these is love.”

The south window, above the main entry, is built around the name of our congregation, Redeemer.  These windows can also be seen through the cross-shaped window in the rear of the balcony.  Viewed from inside, the theme moves counterclockwise, beginning with the upper east panel.  The crown of thorns imposed on the cross symbolizes the suffering and death of our Redeemer on the cross.  Next, the lilies in the lower east panel, a traditional symbol for Easter, signify the resurrection of our Redeemer.  The lower west panel (wheat), symbolizes the second coming of Christ and the final gathering of believers, which He compares to a harvest.  Finally, the crown in the upper west panel symbolizes the crown of eternal life and glory.

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